Start Your Day Right!

It is no secret that implementing a positive morning routine can assist in shaping the tone of your day. 

After all, a productive morning often equates to a productive day.

Filling the early hours of your day with activities and rituals that serve your mind and body can be a simple yet effective method to help you feel in control about what lies in the hours ahead. 

What sets you up for a successful day is going to differ from what sets up your partner or friend, so it’s important to explore sustainable habits that are enjoyable for you and make you feel good. 

If you are more of a night owl and tend to sleep in, this whole thing morning business may sound like a foreign concept to you. If that's the case, we suggest rising an hour earlier than usual (yes, this means setting your alarm) and starting a healthy practise that you genuinely enjoy. If it makes you feel good, chances are you will continue to do it. 

Keep in mind that it does take 21 days to form a new habit, so if your new rituals don’t feel like they belong in your routine, wait three weeks and reassess how you feel. 

We can definitely confirm that our team here at KOJA HQ is filled with early risers, which is why we have collated our top non-negotiable morning routine tips that make us feel energised, optimistic and ready to conquer the day ahead.


Kate - KOJA Founder 

Kate suggests starting the day with a big glass of water first thing. 

Kate then begins her day by walking or jogging for 30-45 minutes. She says getting outside into the fresh air is the perfect way to start the day. 

She's also a self confessed coffee addict... and takes a moment every morning to enjoy a coffee. Remember, if coffee is your drink of your choice in the morning, keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic and can further dehydrate you. Kate suggests always water first, coffee second. 

Lastly, Kate suggests making your bed. She believes there is nothing nicer than getting ready for the day in a clean room and coming home at the end of the day to a made bed! 


Millie - Dietitian and Marketing Coordinator 

In true Dietitian style, Millie says her favourite way to start the day is with a wholesome nutritious breakfast. Having a healthy breakfast in the morning gives Millie the stamina she needs to get through her busy schedule while feeling her best. 

Millie suggests including a source of slow-burning carbohydrates in your breakfast to prolong your energy and keep you satisfied. Her favourites are rolled oats, multigrain toast, unsweetened greek yoghurt, fresh fruit or a KOJA Bar if she’s on the go! 

Millie also recommends moving your body in the morning in a way that you enjoy. Whether it be pilates, a high intensity circuit or walking her retriever Lexie, Millie openly admits that if she doesn’t move her body in the morning, chances are it won’t happen later in the day as tasks and chores pile up.


Amanda - Account Manager 

Amanda starts her day with a short black and a 45 minute gym session over zoom. 

Amanda (like Millie) takes her two dogs for a walk around the local park where she buys herself a delicious almond chai latte. Can we all just agree that there is something therapeutic about dogs?!  

She also recommends starting the day with a nourishing breakfast. Amanda’s favourite is a home-made smoothie made with almond milk, banana, rolled oats and protein powder. This keeps her full all the way through to lunch time.  


Abby - Office Manager 

Abby starts her day with a 45 second cold shower to wake her up for the day. It sounds a little crazy but maybe Abby is onto something here. 

She then spends a few minutes cuddling her pups before doing a workout or taking them to the park. Abby will then come home and have a warm shower to get ready for a full day at university or work. 

Before leaving for work or sitting down to study, she always makes herself a banana smoothie full of nutritious ingredients. Then she is all set for a productive day ahead! 


Have you got a healthy morning routine to share? Comment below or share with us on Facebook or Instagram 

Written by Millie Padula,  Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist from Dietitian Edition.