7 New Year Resolutions that we can actually commit to!

Do you make a resolution every year only to give up after a few days or weeks? Did you know that 98% of new years resolutions have already been abandoned by February?!
Don’t give up on yourself just yet! We are here to re-set your expectations and help you to keep it real. Too often we set unrealistic goals, especially when it comes to health, and we set ourselves up to fail. What follows is disappointment and a negative attitude towards ourselves, which is definitely not good for our overall health.
Did January 1st sound something like this to you?
I’m going to give up alcohol, dairy, gluten, sugar, white foods, soy, preservatives, wheat… I’m going to drink only filtered water, eat 100% organic, exercise every day, become a yoga goddess, lose weight, get toned abs, do squats every morning... I’m going to learn to save, quit all negative self-talk, get a new job, get a new car, buy a house, meet the person of my dreams, learn to speak 3 new languages, meditate everyday, call my friends every week, be a better friend, think only positive thoughts, quit swearing, only buy recycled paper all year, travel around the world, keep my apartment spotlessly clean, use canvas bags at the supermarket every time…. 

 The list of unrealistic resolutions is almost endless!

Our attitude to overall health is that it starts with your mind. All too often we are crippled by fear, doubt, negativity, anxiety, comparison-itis, a flat feeling, or just an overall feeling that we’re not good enough or should be doing more. We all have one short life and it’s too easy to wish it away instead of enjoying every moment. Learning to accept yourself, and be kind to yourself rather than always striving for more is a skill that we all need to learn.

We’ve put together these 7 tips to start your year off again, with realistic goals in mind.

We don’t believe in beating up on yourself for your mistakes, but rather focusing on what you do well, and what you might be able to do better. If you’ve already made or failed your new years resolution, tear it up and forget about it, and start again with these 7 goals in mind:

Drink More Water

An easy goal for every day. It doesn’t cost anything and shouldn’t take too much time… except for the extra bathroom breaks! Hydration improves digestion, skin, it’s anti-aging, improves your mood and your body’s ability to break down food and absorb nutrients. It’s also essential for weight loss and removing toxins from your body. Grab that water bottle!

Eat at least 1 green food everyday.

Don’t set unrealistic expectations or restrictions around food. We all know there’s days when we’re eating out, busy, on the go, etc. Do a simple mental check every day to eat something green and your body will thank you. Some of the greens we love are spinach, lettuce, avocado, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, celery, peas, bok choy, kale, green beans, sugar snaps etc. Try topping them with one of our Salad Toppers!

Try a new exercise, activity or class

We all know exercise is an important part of health. Now is the time to mix it up and try something new. It’s always a challenge to try a new class, change your routine, move your body in a different way. The rewards are physical, as well as the confidence boost once you’ve mastered a new class. Try Yoga, Swimming, Running group, Pilates, Group PT, Boxing, Hiking, Bike riding, Dance, Netball, A new team sport, go!

Sort out your space

With a new year comes new beginnings, and we believe to keep a positive attitude we need to make space in our lives for change. It’s a little on the hippy side, but no-one will argue with me that a clean apartment and an organised wardrobe is a good thing. Let go of the clothes and belongings that you no longer need, and tidy up your space. It’ll bring a feeling of a fresh start that should inspire you to follow the rest of your goals for the new year.

Gift yourself

Find pleasure and rewards for yourself in things that are non food related. Enjoy a new body scrub, or a luxurious face oil. Treat yourself to a new haircut, or a monthly massage appointment. Something that is just for you, and makes you feel good about yourself. You deserve it! 

Change it up in the kitchen

If you love cooking and preparing food at home, that’s great news. We often find myself buying the same foods week in week out, and the fridge and pantry always look the same. This time of year is perfect to try new recipes or go on a shopping spree at your local health food store or farmers market and fill your pantry with new foods to inspire you.

Set realistic goals

Lastly, grab yourself a pen and a notebook and write down what you really want to achieve this year. Set goals that you know you can achieve, rather than what you think you should achieve. Don’t set yourself up to fail, set yourself up to succeed instead!